Bioprinting is making headway, this time presenting a bioprinter that replicates skin.
Bioprinting is making headway, this time presenting a bioprinter that replicates skin.
Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center has become the first hospital in the world to integrate an AI chatbot into its triage process, using the clinical-intake tool created by Israeli startup Kahun.
Of course, radiologists can take a lot out of a CT scan, but they’re trained to look for abnormalities. They can detect pneumonia, emboli, fractures, and pneumothorax, but the presence or absence of life-threatening abnormalities is only a fraction of the data found there.
Aunque la inteligencia artificial puede hacer muchas cosas mejor que los seres humanos, hay características que no podrá copiar
Les ciències fotòniques en l’àmbit de la salut
En el marco del programa NextGeneration EU, provenientes del Mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia y de la Ayuda a la Recuperación para la Cohesión y los Territorios de Europa (REACT-EU) se ha puesto en marcha un Programa de Aceleración de Startups de España
The delivery of epidural electrical stimulation over the lumbar spinal cord has enabled many individuals with spinal cord injury to regain adaptive control over the activity of otherwise paralysed muscles.
IHA Training: Leadership for the Transformation of Health Organizations and Services
While the majority of professionals and patients are not yet informed about the therapeutic benefits of virtual reality, the number of clinical trials and publications is rising quickly, thanks to the collaborations between virtual reality solutions start-ups and clinical research centers
Clinical practice requires not only technical and adaptive skills but also an understanding and awareness of the context in which the person we are treating lives and in ourselves, especially when we want to innovate to improve health services.