
Addressed: Hospital Managers, directors committee, heads of service, responsible of data management.


• To study and apply a model to strengthen the patient experience.
• To evaluate changes in the roles and rules between the patient and the professional.
• To prioritise actions to move towards participatory medicine.
• Study and develop an analytical model on secure and efficient health data management.
• Review the impact of data on improving health services and analyse the limitations of the current data management system.
• Improve decision making in the contracting of data valorisation services.
• Study and implement a model to measure the level of innovation and to encourage change.
• Improve the potential for innovation at both personal and collective level.
• Prioritise the actions to be carried out to activate innovation projects.

Project team: Joan Guanyabens, Josep M. Monguet, Joan Escarrabill, Joan Cornet (Coordinator)

Partners: Onsanity
English &Spanish & Catalan
Face to face .3 sessions of 2h with 15 min of previous online work.

Calendar: January 2023

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