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Estrategia de Salud Digital en Cataluña 2024-2030: Modelo de persistencia de datos clínicos

El objetivo principal de la Estrategia de Salud Digital de Cataluña 2024-2030 es la atención integrada y centrada en las personas, apoyada por un modelo de sistemas de información que aprovecha sistemáticamente los datos en Salud para construir servicios de valor añadido, que fomenta la innovación y que se construye sobre un modelo de colaboración basado en estándares abiertos

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Redefining the future of healthcare: unpacking AI’s impact and potential

Dr Eric Topol is a pioneer in digital medicine and medical AI. He is one of the top 10 most-cited researchers in medicine, has authored three bestselling books on the future of medicine, and was voted as the most influential physician leader in the US. Eric is Founder and Director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute, Professor of Molecular Medicine, and Executive Vice-President of Scripps Research.

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I Mental Health Investment Forum

I Mental Health Investment Forum, el primer fòrum d’inversió d’aquestes característiques que se celebrarà a territori català i espanyol: reunirà inversors nacionals i internacionals, business angels i venture capitals al voltant de startups i spin-offs catalanes innovadores en l’àmbit de la salut mental.

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The global technology community is in Barcelona for the Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2024, this year’s premier mobile technology event.

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Organ aging signatures in the plasma proteome track health and disease

You’re only as old as you feel, so the adage goes. But new research suggests you may really be as old as your oldest organ. Scientists say they have developed a simple, blood test–based method to measure the speed of aging in individual organs such as the heart and brain. When an organ is substantially “older” than a person’s actual age, the risk of death and diseases related to that part of the body shoots up.

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