Let's Face the Future of Healthcare: Call to Action

IHA 2024 Symposium - Barcelona, 18/10/2024

Join us for our upcoming symposium in Barcelona in 2024, where leading experts in health innovation will discuss their concerns and the need to transform healthcare systems for a better future

  • Encourage Expert Dialogue: Within the European framework, create a forum where experts, researchers, and managers can discuss and deepen the challenges facing public and private health systems in Catalonia and Spain.
  • Exploring Emerging Trends: Our symposium is dedicated to investigating the current trends in healthcare, technology, and demographics shaping the landscape of public and private healthcare systems. This exploration will equip us with the knowledge to assess their present and future effects, ensuring we are prepared for the future of healthcare.
  • Identify Leadership and Resilience Strategies: Discuss strategic approaches to cultivating effective leadership and developing a skilled and resilient health workforce prepared to meet future challenges effectively.
  • Analyse Strategies for Sustainability in Health Systems: Examine methods to ensure the sustainability of health systems, considering not only financial viability but also environmental responsibility.
  • Propose Action Line Recommendations: Based on the symposium’s deliberations, develop and present clear recommendations that provide practical guidelines for health policymakers.
Venue and Agenda

Date and location

18/10/2024 – From 13.30 to 20.30h.
IHA 2024 Symposium – Ca l’Alier

Fundación BIT Habitat – Edificio Ca l’Alier
Pere IV, 362 – 08019 Barcelona
Ca l’Alier WebsiteView on Google Maps

More information and Registration

Symposium Agenda

13:30 Registration (in person).

14:00 Light lunch (in person).

14:30 Start of telepresence connection.

15:00 Welcome to participants.
Objectives of the Symposium:
Brian O’Connor: ECHAlliance, Jaime del Barrio: ASD Joan Cornet: InnoHealth Academy

15:15 Keynote Speaker.

15:45 Debate 1. Challenges for the future of health systems:

The Catalan, Spanish, and European healthcare systems are facing complex challenges of a different nature. The impact of demographics, social changes, emerging trends in health, innovation, and new technologies such as AI and IAG are urgently pushing to diagnose the situation and seek new proposals for transforming health systems.

17:00 Coffee break.

17:30 Debate 2. Strengthening excellence:

To truly transform health systems, it is necessary to promote new leadership styles at all levels of management and management of the different services. This is to achieve greater management autonomy that supports training in new skills and care for professionals, increases excellence, and guarantees quality of life and patient care.

18:45 Debate 3. Sustainability of the health system and organisations:

Strategies to make health systems sustainable, not only from a financial perspective but also in terms of environmental protection.

20:00 Conclusions and “what’s Next”: Call to Action

20:30  Farewell.

Disclosure: The program for this symposium, is subject to potential modifications. While we have carefully planned the schedule and invited esteemed speakers that confirmed their participation, unforeseen circumstances may arise and we would adjust the program accordingly.

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Speakers and moderators

The Symposium will be an opportunity to learn the opinions of the Keynote speakers and panellists on the Future of Health based on a diagnosis of the current situation of health systems. In particular, there will be debates open to participants, as well as the opportunity to network among participants. All of this will contribute to a Call to Action. This event is the starting point for more debates, to which we will keep people who register informed.


  • Preparatory discussionBefore the symposium, working group sessions will be held with international experts on each topic on the agenda, and proposals for discussion will be developed.
  • Format of the Debates: Each debate topic will feature two Keynote Speakers and three to four panellists. In addition, the “zero row experts hold a pivotal role. They are responsible for enriching and animating the discussions, ensuring a smooth and constructive exchange of ideas.
  • Documentation of the Sessions: A team of specialized editors will cover each debate, documenting the key points, proposals, and salient messages. This information will be essential for synthesizing the results during the symposium’s closing event and for the subsequent production of a “Call to Action” which will be published after the event.


Catalonia/Spain/Europe/Latin America.


Spanish/Speakers in English.


Hybrid (on-site, on-line):

Pre-registration via Webex is essential (WEBEX Events).
The sessions will be recorded and published

 Addressed to:

  • Managers of health organizations.
  • Heads of Innovation and Digital Health.
  • Information systems managers.
  • Project managers.
  • Heads of hospital and primary care services.
  • Public health managers.
  • Professionals are interested in the implementation of innovations.


2024 IHA Symposium Info

Click the button to register now as an in-person or streaming attendee.
Attendance is free!
Given the capacity of the room, in-person registration will be in strict order of registration.

Symposium News


Stay updated with the latest trends by reading our IHA 2024 Symposium Updates
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Transforming Healthcare with AI

AI is revolutionizing the healthcare sector, from diagnostics and personalized medicine to improving patient outcomes and care delivery. However, this rapid transformation also raises significant ethical, regulatory, and methodological challenges. How can we ensure AI systems are reliable, unbiased, and inclusive? How can AI help bridge healthcare inequities and manage resource bottlenecks?

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IHA 2024 Symposium on Twitter

Follow the congress and join the conversation on Twitter with the hashtag #IHA2024Symposium

Collaborating entities

If you would like to support the event and become a sponsor, please reach out to us at info@innohealth.academy

Learn more about Ekko’s unique features.

Join us in Barcelona this October 2024 for our symposium, a prime opportunity to share knowledge and advance medical technologies

Any questions? Email us!